Birds of the same feathers flock together,
I believe this not to be true.
For we have been obviously different people, different skins, eyes and shapes. Different hair, clothes and feathers. Different tribes, faith and region; but we still flock together, despite the religion.
Now, what happens when these birds begin to want different things? A clash of ideologies. The beginning of all rift.
Could the company still accommodate each other? I heard that these topics are sensitive and practical steps needs to be made, in order to become better.
I also heard that bad companies corrupts good manners.
There is just one thing I’m sure of; a good friend always carries the other along, tells each other the truth and prays for each others growth. Even from a distance.
I can’t tell who i am if I’m absorbed in who you are, i definitely can’t tell who we are, if we don’t want the best for each other. Show me your friend…
Here! WTAF:
Friendship, oh what a true thing,
It can lift you up, make your heart sing,
Or bring you down, with a heavy weight,
A reflection of you, and who you want to mate.
“Show me your friend,” they always say,
“And I will tell you who you are today.”
But what if your friend is a world apart,
From what you feel inside your heart?
Must your friend be who you are?
Or can you still chase after your own star?
Individuality is what makes us glow,
Embracing who we are, letting ourselves flow.
But what of the friends, who choose to ignore,
The words that you say, falling to the floor,
Their minds closed off, and stuck in their own way,
A weight on your friendships, in the light of the day.
We gain so much from friendships bold,
A bond that never captivates the low,
With the laughter shared, and joys untold,
A friendship can be worth more than gold.
In a world so full of such sorrow and strife,
Friendship brings color to our life,
A true reflection of the hearts within,
A beautiful journey, from start to end.
~The Eagle 🦅
In the ebb and flow of life’s grand design,
Two friends embark on paths diverging wide,
As Kaduna and Akpabuyo, their destinies entwine,
Their spirits buoyed by courage, not denied.
The rhythm of existence beckons them forth,
One to the north, the other to the south,
Their friendship anchored in shared mirth,
As they embrace change with unwavering drouth.
The tapestry of time weaves their tales,
Threads of experience intertwine and bind,
Their souls, like constellations set sail,
While the universe unfolds, so beautifully aligned.
The bonds of brotherhood may sway and bend,
But shared memories evolve, timeless and true,
As they navigate the cosmos, hand in hand,
Their friendship resonates, a cosmic debut.
~Ayi The Legend
Meet my friend…
My bosom friend closer to me than my pillow.
But, ouch!
Our heights differ,
Our complexion differ,
Tribally segregated,
Our souls entwined as twigs.
We go through the roughened galloping journey life brings our way,
A twin I took her but alas our path differs like water and sand.
Her field speaks in a circle of people,
Mine proves the earth and why its orbit is seasonal.
Meet my friend…
Now, she’s me!
Height, Language, likes , dislike are compatible and alike.
Admist the crowd we behave as one,
Oh No!!!
I am stabbed in the neck.
My neck bleeds of pain that can’t be expressed with words.
The friend who has known me traded our solemnity for a denarii!
Meet my friend…
I Love this soul!
In the secret we play through the times and days,
Stealthily we move against the binding windows and drawn curtain.
We tiptoed cracking twigs and dead leaves making only silence sound as we laugh in stiffled breath clutching back our stomach to suck in our happiness.
We swing and dance in dark shadows, cracking jokes in whisper and notes.
Our friendship must be a spelled silence less the hands of the mighty against our union seperate us devastatingly because of parted religions like river Niger & river Benue.
Meet my upcoming friend,
There is no denying the intention of an emotion bounded relationship from the proposal of the latter.
But I can’t find myself in the reality of this union,
It’s miles away from who I am.
Or??…. Should I just melt in this offer of love & friendship and forget I am a white sheep without a speck??
Can I hide the black spots I see in this friend behind the shadows of my white.
Is it possible or I’d just step into his black spots and forget it all.
These friends differ!
Our contagious friends can affect, contaminate, deform and reform us.
The magnetic field of friendship that pulls no matter the defenses. Can I Just melt in it.🥹
~ Blessinggift
“Show me your friends I will tell you who you are.“
I rephrase mine by saying… show me your friends, I will tell you what the future holds for you…..
3 Personal question we should ask ourselves.
Who do I spend my time with?
What values do we share in common?
Am I using my time wisely with these set of people?
Our friendships often show parts of who we are. The people we choose to spend time with often share similar values, interests, and personalities.
What we called by friendship never comes by mistakes but comes through the mindset of associating with like minds, someone who have that zeal and goal you both are chasing together, when one feels down the other motivates to keep the race moving, That’s the true strength of friendship that we sometimes overlook.
“True friends are never apart, maybe in distance but never in heart.”
In many cases, friends serve as mirrors, reflecting back to us certain aspects of ourselves that we may not always recognize on our own.
Having many friends isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it’s important to make wise decision about who you surround yourself with.
Never forget that the certain set of friends you make defines you in all areas of your life either positively or negatively.
No friendship is an accident, but rather a deliberate choice made by connecting with someone who understands and complements our journey in life.
7 billion people but none as close to these set of friends the universe chose,
Different in lots of ways. Love is our bond,
This friendship is magic, it needs no wand.
I needed a friend, I got a team.
“The squad” is better than one it’d seem.
We’ve laughed, we’ve cried, we’ve grown
into a mini-family of our own.
A team made of personalities different;
Different ideologies and interests.
The bond we share is much stronger
Strong enough to keep the group together.
I’d show you my friends and you won’t know who I am.
Try and guess and you do yourself harm.
“The squad” is a team in a game
And no team has members exactly the same.
“Show me your friends and I’ll tell you who you are”
A very common misconception, this eleven word sentence has been used to judge many people based on who they’re friends with.
The popularity of the saying most definitely doesn’t mean that it is always right, because being friends with someone doesn’t mean you share the same characteristics, attitude or even bad habits with them.
You might share similarities like ideologies, tastes, or even style however the case maybe.
The beautiful platonic relationship of friendships between two or more people has almost always been oversimplified by this saying which completely ignores the dynamics of a mind that owns and has it’s own thoughts that are not easily persuaded by others.
But then again I believe that this saying should apply to people who want it to because sometimes when we pick friends we pick someone who we want to make ourselves into not people we are compatible with but sometimes it’s just down right bad luck or just a bad decision.
~Maryam Aliyu
My friend.
It’s your heart for me.
How you love and care so selflessly.
It’s your sweetness for me.
How soft and tenderly affectionate you are.
It’s your firmness for me.
How you call me out when I’m being difficult and tell me the truth when it is needed.
It’s your doggedness for me.
How you’ve weathered times with me and we’re still standing.
It’s your everything for me.
How did i find you?
No, I forgot i didn’t find you. How could i have?
The good Lord blessed me with you.
Our paths were destined to cross and continue.
That explains why we’ve walked this journey called life for decades.
How did i get so blessed? I always wonder. 😊
From cradle through our forming days, through mischiefs and mistakes. Lessons that threatened to break us but rather molded us into what we’ve become.
And now, we’ve become inseparable.
Together, dreaming the same dream.
Here for each other, taking it all in, one day at a time.
You’re not my blood, what? You are that friend that is closer than a brother. My mother didn’t have to have birthed you, you have become her child now too.
What can break this bond now? I pray nothing does.
Enyi m.😊
a hụrụ m gị n’anya. 🥰😘
Meen I’ve found the ideal meaning of freinds from this peices