Some writers in the Writers That Are Friends(WTAF) subgroup were commended and awarded for their consistency and completing the Routine Tasks of 2023. Here is a mini interview conducted with them.
Goodness Felix-Adebayo: Your full name?
Benzukich: Akeke Benedict Ewomazino.
Goodness Felix-Adebayo: State of origin?
Benzukich: I’m from Delta state.
Goodness Felix-Adebayo: Okay.
Goodness Felix-Adebayo: Department and Level, Optional.
Benzukich: Civil engineering department.
300 level.
Goodness Felix-Adebayo: What other things do you love to do. Other than writing.
Your hobbies.
Benzukich: Basketball. It’s like therapy for me.
Goodness Felix-Adebayo: When did you start writin g?
Goodness Felix-Adebayo: And, what inspires you?
Benzukich: I started sometime last year. I think around may.
I don’t know. I just get a topic and write the first thing that comes to me
Goodness Felix-Adebayo: Interesting.
Goodness Felix-Adebayo: What type of writing do you often?
Prose? Poems? Articles? Quotes?
Goodness Felix-Adebayo: And what are your favourite genres?
Benzukich: Would it be weird if I said I don’t reallcuy know the differences.
I just write what I feel and try my best to make it rhyme.
Benzukich: Most times it’s a poem.
Benzukich: I really love quotes.
Goodness Felix-Adebayo: Hmmmmmmmm
Goodness Felix-Adebayo: Right.
Goodness Felix-Adebayo: Anybody or brand you have previously written for?
Or currently writing for?
Benzukich: None
Benzukich: I’ve only written in WTAF.
Goodness Felix-Adebayo: What’s your biggest dream about writing?
Benzukich: Honestly I write for fun.
I don’t actually have a huge dream concerning it. But I’d love to get better at it.
Goodness Felix-Adebayo: How do you feel about being the winner of the WTAF Routine Challenge for 2023?
Benzukich: Excited. This is the first challenge I’ve gotten into.
Goodness Felix-Adebayo: Right.
And how do feel about the blog reward that was given?
I mean, have you ever dreamt of having your own blog?
Do you plan of publishing just your works on the blog, or alot more?
Benzukich: I’m not going to lie, I have never thought about having my own blog. I honestly don’t know what to do with it. But one thing I do know is, I am definitely going to make use of it to the best of my abilities.
Goodness Felix-Adebayo: Okay.
Goodness Felix-Adebayo: Would you love to continue writing for GN&B’s WTAF?
Benzukich: Yes, please.
Goodness Felix-Adebayo: Thank you very much.
Goodness Felix-Adebayo: This is the end of your interview, for now.
Benzukich: Thanks for having me
Goodness Felix-Adebayo: Alright!
Benzukich has written pieces like Childhood vs Adulthood and an End Of The Year quote for WTAF.
Read: Childhood vs Adulthood by Benzukich
Other pieces titled: My Happiness, Your Fire etc.

Goodness Felix-Adebayo: Your full name?
Tumi: Olatundun Oluwatumininu
Goodness Felix-Adebayo: State of Origin?
Tumi: Lagos State
Goodness Felix-Adebayo:School Department and Level,
Tumi: Aerospace Engineering, let’s leave the level out.
Goodness Felix-Adebayo: When did you start writing?
Tumi: I started writing from ten actually. I recall starting this book that I titled “the adopted child”, which I later abandoned. I never actually wrote anything after that, I fell in love with reading.
Tumi: But I’m trying to give writing a chance as well.
Goodness Felix-Adebayo: Wow.
Goodness Felix-Adebayo: The first book i actually wrote was a little around that age too.
“My wicked sister”.
Tumi: What happened to the book?
Goodness Felix-Adebayo: Finished it.
Tried to sell the pieces of papers to my unwilling classmates.
Goodness Felix-Adebayo: And, what inspires you?
Tumi: People, when I see how far we as humans have come in life, it inspires me to do more. To be a better version of myself. Of course, I can only do that with God’s grace.
Goodness Felix-Adebayo: The first book i actually wrote was a little around that age too.
“My wicked sister”.
Tumi: At least you finished it.
Goodness Felix-Adebayo: What else do you love to do other than writing?
Your hobbies.
Tumi: I love watching movies, reading books, editing videos and sleeping.
Goodness Felix-Adebayo: Alright, next question.
Goodness Felix-Adebayo: What type of writing do you do often?
Prose? Poems? Articles? Quotes?
And what are your favourite genres?
Tumi: While I’m deeply in love with poems, I don’t ever seem to get them write. I’m more into prose actually.
Tumi: That’s a fickle situation. I like innocent romance, I guess. Not the adult one. I like sci-fi, horror, thriller and dystopian. Although, I’ve read a few in adventure and fiction which I’ve actually liked.
Goodness Felix-Adebayo: Hmmmmmm
Goodness Felix-Adebayo: Wow. That’s quite interesting.
Goodness Felix-Adebayo: Anybody or brand you have previously written for?
Or currently writing for?
Tumi: No, I hope to become a writer for goodnovel though.
Goodness Felix-Adebayo: GoodNovel, the app?
Goodness Felix-Adebayo: As in, the brand?
Tumi: Yessssss
Goodness Felix-Adebayo: Ohhhhhhhh. Right.
You will become a writer for so much more.
Just, keep it up.
Tumi: Amen oh
Goodness Felix-Adebayo: I know you have mentioned GoodNovel.
Are there any other big dreams you have about writing?
Tumi: I’d like to be a professional writer actually. To have my book published. As soon as I can muster the courage to write it.
Goodness Felix-Adebayo: Well done, Tumi.
Goodness Felix-Adebayo: How do you feel about being the winner of the WTAF Routine Challenge for 2023?
Tumi: I feel very honored that I can even be selected. I really don’t believe that I write that well. It’s encouraged me to improve my writing and keep writing.
Tumi: I’m so happy.
Goodness Felix-Adebayo: Right.
And how do feel about the blog reward that was given?
Have you ever dreamt of having your own blog?
Do you plan of publishing just your works on the blog, or alot more?
Tumi: I’m very grateful for the reward .
I’ve never actually thought of having my own blog.
Now that I think about it, I could post my edits once I get better at ’em on the blog.
Goodness Felix-Adebayo: Thank you very much.
Goodness Felix-Adebayo: This is the end of your interview.
Tumi: You’re welcome.
Goodness Felix-Adebayo: Alright!
Tumi has written pieces like Memories, END OF THE YEAR: Opening At The Close and a quote on Faith for WTAF.
Read: The Opening At The Close by Tumi.
Other pieces titles: Him Again, The Path of an Overachiever etc.