If you are a Nigerian, you can already picture where I am driving at from this week’s theme.
“Okada”, the 2 tyre motorcycle which is a means of transportation in most parts of the world. Fondly called “Okada” by Nigerians, is the most popular means of transportation across the streets of Naija.

Here’s a little History;
The word OKADA was derived from:
*Chief Gabriel Okada*
In the 1980s, Chief Gabriel Okada, a Nigerian businessman, began importing commercial motorcycles into Nigeria. His company, Okada Airways, was one of the first to introduce these motorcycles as a transportation solution.
The motorcycles became synonymous with Chief Okada’s name, and Nigerians started referring to them as “Okadas.” Over time, the term stuck, and today, commercial motorcycles are widely known as ‘Okada’ across Nigeria.
See what I was saying about Brand/Name-calling in Nigeria: The Naija Way Of Knowing A Product?

Okay. So, Visibly a motorcycle is meant to contain just the rider and one more person, but as you know, here in Nigeria, we teach you how to be innovative, how to improvise and create diverse ways of doing everything. We break the norm.
In a typical Nigerian street, a motorcycle will carry about four people on it!
This, of course, will be a sight to behold to a non-Nigerian.
Picture it; the “Okada” rider and two other adults takes the seat behind, while a younger person seats on the tank in front of the rider.

This sight to behold only belongs to the streets of Naija, but never makes it to the mainland way. Do not even bother bringing your sweet creative improvisions to Nigeria’s expressway. Don’t say I did not warn you (Okada riders are banned from these parts of the road).
Another good thing we will lovely point out about our famous Okada riders is how they always come to save the day in days of trouble. Picture days you got stranded, who came to save you? I mean the days of “GO SLOW”, an Okada on sight will be like a saving grace to any passenger. They would come like a knight in a dusty armour, on a two-tyre-horse to take you out of that snarl up.
A motorcycle’s slim form gives it the advantage of being able to go in between vehicles and the most congested places. They can go in and out of any area with their slim vehicles and dodgy maneuverings. They could literally pop out of anywhere.

That’s what it is with Okada riders and corners!
They have even proven to be of more importance, in cases like being a delivery/dispatch rider. You better believe a motorcycle can transport a bag of rice, if not two bags of garri. They have a way of tying and strapping luggages to their seats. A lot of Nigerian women use them lately to have their market/food items transported to them.
The art of “Okada” riding has been a source of livelihood for some Nigerian men and it is mostly Naija men that are famously on a Okada in Nigeria. Although, women have proven that the famous two-tyre-horse is not for men alone. In this part of the world, it is still usually a thing of awe when a woman is spotted riding one.
It is best you know that your efficiency, gentility and swiftness in riding an Okada in Nigeria proves that you are creative and capable for transport business contracts.