Double Noel, that’s how the day goes.
Mixing the Sunday with Christmas,
How Hark the angels won’t sing?
Sing louder than before, dresses greener than before.
You know the Sabbath day, the reason we keep it holy?
It’s for this day, just so we can merry.
Sundays inspires a special kind of lifestyle,
With dancing in churches and ushering an infilling.
These days, meant for rice and that fried meat mother has been keeping.
Also inspires a special wear, a day of rest.
Unlimited by the week’s work.
Hallelujah! The church bells are definitely ringing.
Christmas, the reason for the yuletide.
Lights have been flashing since a couple weeks before.
With an emerald tie and a red suit, we are celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus.
The reason for the season on this Sunday is the Son.
Oh Hark the Herald angels will sing.
One thing we know;
The sun gets colder,
The pot gets fuller.
The meats more fried,
The drinks gets sweeter,
Our songs gets newer, “Merry Christmas” the anthem.
It’s a Sunday Christmas.
The reason for my worship all along.
Two celebrations in one.
The weather today; the sun, the snow, and the son.
Neither hot nor cold.
We feast with love, laughter and lure more kindness, goodness and greatness to our hearts and homes.
The most beautiful time of the year.
All the preparations has been worth the preparation.
Our hearts, garments and food is ready.
Merry Christmas to the world!
Good tidings, to you and your kins.
A Happy New Year in advance! ~Goodness Felix Adebayo